free download - MS-DOS version
This version runs undes MS-DOS 3.2 and higher, DR-DOS 3 and higher, IBM DOS 3 and higher, Windows 95, Windown NT, Windows 3.1, Windows 98
Download as ZIP file here

You will need WinZIP or similar program to extract the files from downloaded archive.

After all files are extracted, The files should be copied to a floopy. THE INSTALLATION WILL NOT RUN FROM A HARD DISK.

The only important thing for DOS configuration is that the config.sys file must contain 


line (or more than 32, if that is needed by other DOS programs)


The file automatically extracts all files needed to prepare installation.

The files should be copied to a floopy. THE INSTALLATION WILL NOT RUN FROM A HARD DISK.

The only important thing for DOS configuration is that the config.sys file must contain 


line (or more than 32, if that is needed by other DOS programs). 

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