This used to be the webpage of Region 8 IEEE VCF. The current page is at this location.
AS OF JANUARY 2005, Vlatko Stoilkov (stoilkov
coordinates the fund. Please, do not send any new application to Zbynek
Region 8 IEEE Voluntary Contribution Fund
Region 8 IEEE is quite diverse in nature. It is the fastest growing
IEEE region, covering Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia. The average
income in various R8 countries differs by a ratio of 100. That is why we
have created a Voluntary Contribution Fund (VCF). This fund is fed by voluntary
contributions donated by members in more rich countries. The money is then
used to support member activities in less rich countries.
The fund is coordinated by
Zbynek Skvor,
Region 8 IEEE Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator . He looks like the
picture <<<<. |
Basic information
Voluntary contribution fund is created to help IEEE members from less rich
countries in Region 8. This support is not intended for living costs or
benefits, but for membership activities. The fund supports various projects;
this page provides basic information on travel support and support for
SB magazine packages. That is not the only one nor the main reason for
the project. Please, feel free to contact VCF coordinator Zbynek
Skvor to ask about support for other reasonable projects.
Nice to meet you here. You can download forms from here.
Necessary conditions for travel support (conditio sine que non):
IEEE member from country with average gross income of an electrical engineer
under $10000 per year
travel to an IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored conference within Region 8
active participation on the conference (eg. paper accepted for presentation)
money can be used for travel and subsistance, no money given to meet conference
member must provide all necessary information and originals of receipts
Necessary conditions for SB All Magazine Package program
IEEE SB from a country with average gross income of an electrical engineer
under $8600 per year
SB submits a request to VCF coordinator to receive the package in the first
SB reports annually on usage and delivery
Based on the number of applications and available funds, some SB may be
asked to find partial funding from other sources (your section might help
Voluntary Contribution Fund can meet the cost of the package.
The package is sent from IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, NJ. Any problems
with delivery should be discussed with Laura Durett,
A list of branches who receive magazines through this program is available
in PDF format here.
R8 VCF rules - travel to conferences
Conditions of elegibility:
Current IEEE membership
Paper accepted for presentation at the conference
Conference within the geographical area of Region 8.
Member belongs to Region 8.
Conference sponsored or co-sponsored by IEEE, society or Region 8 or any
of its sections
Application on a form designed by R8. The form must bear a signature of
section or chapter officer.
Only applicants who have not been supported by R8 VCF in past 5 years are
elegible. Students may get funding twice, to the amount of $1000 in total.
Only one travel support per paper.
The maximum amount provided can not exceed $1000.
R8 committee members are not elegible
What costs may be met:
Travel, eg. airline, train or bus ticket - economy fare only.
Other subsistance costs (meals). Meals covered only for students and applicants
from countries with income under $100/month.
Applicants should not rely on VCF solely. Full coverage will be
provided only to applicants from the most poor countries (with exemptions
to students from medium rich countries).
Applicants should report on the use of money after the activity is finished.
Conference presentations should bear an acknowledgment to R8 VCF.
VCF - procedures
First contact
Basic conditions of elegibility checked
Application form
Form downloaded from www
Form may be sent electronically to speed-up processing, but original bearing
signatures is required as well.
Verification and Clarification. Some points in the form might need clarification
The applicant is informed on the decision (by e-mail)
Money required in advance (must be mentioned in the
Current IEEE membership is verified
Money sent. Money is sent by R8 treasurer.
Travel to the conference
Report, including receipts for at least the amount received from VCF
Money not required in advance
Travel to the conference
Report, including receipts up to the amount granted by VCF, sent to the
Current IEEE membership verified
Money sent. Money is sent by R8 treasurer.
Was the activity realised?
Report on the usage of money?
Shall you need more information, do not hesitate to contact me.
revised July 2, 2003
This page is kept by Zbynek Skvor